What To Do After Getting Injured On The Job

Workplace injuries

1)  Get Medical Treatment

You should seek medical attention immediately after your workplace injury.  If you need emergency care, seek treatment as soon as possible.  Do not worry about having to pay a hospital bill.  Your Employer’s workers’ compensation insurance should pay for your hospital bill.

2)  Notify Your Employer ASAP

If your injury is not an emergency, you should let your supervisor know about your injury as soon as possible after your accident.  In Georgia, you must inform your employer about your injury within 30 days after your injury occurred.   The sooner you report it the better.  If you wait too long, it raises the question whether the injury occurred on the job.

3)  Document Everything

Be sure to write down exactly how your injury occurred.  Also, be sure to write down the names of any witnesses to your injury.  The other thing to…